The 30 Minute HIIT Workout That You Should Do

In today's world, many people can't afford to exercise for multiple hours every day. If you are one of those, or simply want to save time without missing out on results you are at the right place!

Here you are going to find a simple but yet effective HIIT workout plan, that you can do in 30minutes.

Also, I am going to explain to you how to adjust the workout & exercises to set a specific focus on each muscle group.

Keep reading if this sounds promising to you.

Workout Structure:

Besides giving you a detailed fixed workout plan, I am going to explain to you the best way to structure the workouts yourself.

Especially if you can't afford to train every single day, here I am going to explain to you the different options you have.

Also, you are going to find specific workouts for legs and upper body, although you can also find a full-body option.

Before getting started you need to figure out how often you want to train per week.

Personally I recommend you to train more than once per week for optimal progress.

Especially with HIIT training, it is equally important not to overtrain.

Therefore it makes the most sense to train less than 5x per week.

  • Training 1x Per Week

When training once per week you should do total body workouts to train each muscle group, which also leads to increased fat loss. Scroll down to the Full Body HIIT Workout section to find out the exercises, sets & reps!

  • Training 2x Per Week

If you plan to train 2x per week you should split up between upper & lower body workouts. You can find the upper body & leg workouts below.

  • Training 3x Per Week

When doing high-intensity interval training 3x per week I recommend you to do one full-body, one leg workout & one upper body workout for optimal results!

  • Training 4x Per Week

If you plan on training 4x per week you should do two leg days & two upper-body days to increase your fitness level.

  • Training 5x Per Week

While training 5x per week might seem like a lot to you, it can still be done when doing the right training splits. It is going to be the best for you to do two leg days & two upper-body days, while the final day should be dedicated to a cardio workout.

The Workouts:

Here you are going to find the 30 minute HIIT workouts, that pump up your heart rate, leading to weight loss. Remember that with HIIT training you are going to be under tension for relatively short periods.

For each workout the same rules towards rest & time under tension apply:

  • Do each exercise listed for 30 seconds without taking a break
  • Rest for 90 seconds after you completed one round
  • Do 4 rounds

Also, remember to fully warm-up and cool down.

Sample warm-up routine:

  • 5 minutes of running
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Australian Pull-ups

Full Body HIIT Workout


  1. Walking Lunges with Weights
  2. Hanging Leg Raises
  3. Pull-ups (Use Resistance Band if too hard)
  4. Dips
  5. Burpees + Push-up
  6. Mountain Climbers
HIIT Upper Body Workout

Mountain Climbers

Phases Of A Burpee

HIIT Leg Workout


  1. Walking Lunges with Weights
  2. Jump Squat
  3. Kettlebell Swings
  4. Jumping Jacks
  5. Sumo Squats
  6. Wall sit
HIIT 30 Minute Workout

Kettlebell Swings

HIIT Leg Workout

Upper Body HIIT Workout


  1. Pull-ups (Use resistance band if too hard)
  2. Dips
  3. Plank
  4. Biceps Curls
  5. Wide Grip Push-ups
  6. Mountain Climbers


Chest Dips

Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any doubts about the given exercises!

How To Adjust The Intensity:

If an exercise or workout is too hard or even too easy there are a couple of things you can do to adjust the difficulty to your liking:

  • Add Weight/Remove Weight

Even with most bodyweight exercises, you have the option to add weight to increase the intensity of an exercise.

  • Use A Resistance Band

To make pull-ups & dips easier you can use a resistance band. Also for squats & push-ups, you can use a resistance band to increase the difficulty of the exercise.

  • Adjust The Angle

Especially with push-ups & Australian pull-ups you can elevate the bar or do the push-ups on a higher surface than your legs to make the exercise more easy.

The same goes the other way round as well; if you put your legs higher up the Australian pull-ups/push-ups are going to get easier!

  • Do It With Bent Legs

Especially with the hanging leg raise, you can turn the exercise into a hanging knee raise, which targets the same muscle group while being significantly easier.

Also for Australian pull-ups, you can bend your knees while doing the exercise to make it more easy.


For me, it has always been a struggle to get ripped by doing workouts. HIIT has definitely changed my life. But HIIT can yet be ineffective or even harmful when done the wrong way.

For me, a lot of things changed after reading a book called "Anabolic Running". It helped me a lot with my personal progress. If you want to take your workouts more serious I recommend you to read my review on the book!


Remember to warm-up properly! Especially with HIIT training you want every single muscle group to be warm & prepared to go hard. Remember to respect the recovery periods and listen to your body if you feel intense soreness the next day of training!