The Best Middle Split Stretches - Unlock Your Splits Fast!

Whether it is for martial arts, yoga or simply to impress somebody, the middle splits are probably one of the coolest positions to be in.

So if you have a good reason to learn the split you should start working on them as it is going to be rewarding in the end.

Remember that achieving full splits is not necessarily an easy process, which is why you have to bring some dedication and a structured approach.

This tutorial is going to help you to structure your stretching routine while providing you with some of the best exercises to do if you want to boost your flexibility.

Remember To Warm-up!

Before getting into the stretches I just wanted to give you a brief reminder to entirely warm-up before stretching.

It is necessary to increase your blood flow in advance if you are going to work on increasing your range of motion.

The neglection of a warm-up will eventually lead to injury or stagnation, which you both want to avoid.

How To Warm-Up

But what is the most effective way to warm-up? One good way to be warm before stretching is to simply do your stretches after physical activity.

If you are doing gymnastics/material arts/running or any other type of sport on a consistent basis you can use the sport itself as a "warm-up"

Another excellent strategy to warm up is by doing dynamic stretching.

In comparison to static stretching dynamic stretching is going to increase your blood flow faster while pumping up your heart rate. Despite that, it activates the neuromuscular connection, which helps you to activate the muscles that you are going to stretch.

But before getting into dynamic stretches you should do just a bit of steady-state cardio, as the full range of motion required for static stretching might be too much before your cardiovascular system has woken up.

Also, keep in mind that dynamic stretches should start off slow while you steadily increase the range of motion to be the most effective.

Here's a very simple warm-up routine

  • 5-10min running/treadmill running
  • 20 Straight Leg Swings each leg (for & backward/sideways)

(We are going to explain how to perform a straight leg swing in the section below in case you are uncertain)

The Different Stretching Methos

Although you might want to get the right to stretches (which you can do by skipping this short section!), it is important to have a basic understanding of the different stretching methods while knowing their purpose.

Each stretching method has its own benefits & downsides which is why I recommend you to do at least two different types of stretching to unlock the full splits quickly.

  • Static Stretching

Everybody knows what static stretches look like; go into a position that stretches the muscles you want to stretch. The aim is to go as deep into the stretch as possible without experiencing pain. Still, you should be feeling a reasonably strong pull at the muscle group that you are stretching.

Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds to get the best results. Afterward, take a break for roughly 30 seconds before doing another 2-3 sets.

  • Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic Stretching on the hand is going to be any type of functional movement where you move your joints & muscles through the full range of motion.

Dynamic stretches are best to include in a warm-up as they increase your heart rate & blood flow, which are prerequisites for static stretching.

  • PNF Stretching/Isometric Stretching

PNF stretching is a slightly more complex stretching method but has been proven to be the best to increase your flexibility. Start by moving into a position that stretches the muscle group wanted. Then contract the muscle for 5-6 muscle while not moving the stretched body part. (use a friend/something to lock your body part in place if necessary).

After that, you are going to perform a static stretch for 20-30 seconds.

The Stretches

  • Butterfly Stretch

An excellent stretch for your splits is called the Butterfly Stretch. Start by sitting down with your knees bent. Now you are going to make your feet touch each other while trying to get your knees down as low as possible.

Additionally, you can try to get your chest as close to the floor as possible. If you want to integrate the stretch in your warm-up routine you can actively move your knees up and down (imagine the wings of a butterfly). This is going to loosen up the muscles around your hip flexors' hamstrings.

  • Splits Itself

Practicing splits to get to the splits is pretty much a no-brainer. There are two different approaches to working on static splits

  • Start in Straddle

The first way would be to go into a straddle position while trying to get your legs further and further away from your feet.

You can lean over to one side to additionally stretch your hamstrings & hip flexors. Remember to switch sides to gain both-sided flexibility in the hamstrings.

  • Sliding Down

With this approach, you want to find a slightly slippery surface to make the exercise more effective. Wearing thick socks on a wood floor is probably the easiest way to achieve that.

Start with your feet above, while your back remains straight. Now slowly start sliding your feet apart and stop going further down as soon as you feel pain.

Once you are in that position you can use your hands to stabilize yourself. Additionally, you can move your upper body from one to another side, to make the stretch more functional.

  • Frog Stretch/Position

Start on your hands and knees with your knees slightly further apart than hip-width. Now you start sliding your knees as far apart as you can. It is important to align your ankles with your knees (facing outwards) while your shins should be parallel to each other.

In case you want to increase the difficulty of the stretch you should try to get on your forearms instead of your hands. This will lower your center of gravity which moves your hips further down towards the ground.

  • Wall-Straddle

Another excellent exercise to unlock your splits is the wall straddle. Start by laying on your back with your hips close to a wall. Your torso should be at a 90 degrees angle with your legs. Now start to get your feet more and more apart while your heels should keep contact (facing the wall) at all times. Keep the position for at least 30 seconds before slowly moving your legs up again.

  • Straight Leg Swings

As a dynamic stretch, the straight leg swing is going to be an excellent stretch during your warm-up.

There are two different angles at which you can do the exercise at but for your center splits it makes the most sense to do the exercise sideways.

Start facing a wall or an object above hip height, whereas you place bove hands onto the wall to support yourself. Then start to swing one leg from side to side while keeping it entirely straight.

Try to still maintain a straight line from your bottom leg to your upper body. (don't lean towards the wall)

Go as far down as you can!

  • Half Squats

If you want to do strength & flexibility training at the same you should consider doing half squats. Start in a broad stance and then perform a squat but with the difference that you keep one leg straight throughout the entire range of motion.

Squat as low as you can, so that your bottom is close to touching the ground.

How To Stretch For Middle Splits - Common Mistakes

To be able to achieve the middle splits as quickly as possible you have to specific. It helps to know what muscle groups you should focus on to be able to choose more specific exercises

When stretching for the middle splits there are a couple of mistakes that I've seen people doing over and over again.

  • Going too far

This usually happens if you have high motivation. The motivation pushes you further than necessary going through pain. Not only can this lead to injury but it will also lead to a stagnation in your progress. Of course, you should feel a pull when stretching, but going further than you are capable of going will only harm your muscle tissue.

  • Neglecting Relaxation

Whenever you stretch you should be in a comfortable environment. If you are not relaxed during your stretches the muscles are going to contract which will be counterproductive to your stretches.

  • Inconsistency

You have to stretch on a regular basis in order to achieve advanced skills such as the middle splits. Create a stretching routine in advance so that you stretch at least 3-4 times per week. Without commitment and a plan, you are likely to lose structure which will stop you from progressing. Try stretch every day if possible. In case you are looking for a full program to get the splits I recommend you to check out hyperbolic stretching.

Read my review here.

  • One-sided approach

Another problem is to only use one approach. Often people try to do the same stretch over and over again, which is not only boring but also frequently makes you forget vital muscle groups.

It is important to target each muscle that helps you to achieve the middle splits in order to get the most out of it


The middle splits are definitely a helpful move throughout many sports. Especially in Yoga and Material arts, it is going to help you to get better kicks and enable you to hit challenging positions with less effort. But also in everyday life flexibility is going to make you feel more energetic which is why everybody should have some basic flexibility.

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