Anabolic Running Review

Recently the efficiency of cardio training has been debated over and over again. In fact, there are quite a few people who are not happy with the results they obtain from regular & dedicated running.

With the discovery of HIIT training and intense research, it has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to burn fat while gaining muscle.

In fact, before I learned about the HIIT training method explained in anabolic running and its theory behind I used to run on a frequent basis myself.

Also, I categorize myself as a hard-gainer, who barely gains weight even when being in a caloric surplus above 700kcal.

Trying to look for a solution without getting rid of cardio I stumbled across anabolic running, which claimed to increase muscle size at the same time.

But does the program keep up its promises? Find out in this review!

What Is Anabolic Running?

Anabolic running is an e-book in the PDF format that aims to raise your testosterone levels by doing specific running workouts.

The aim is to produce lactic acid, which you naturally produce when being in the anaerobic phase.

Recent studies have shown, that lactic acid production is directly related to testosterone production. Furthermore, testosterone production gets higher once you run within the anaerobic phase.

Before buying the book I wasn't sure if the studies were actually true so I did some research myself.

If you are really interested in the science behind it you can read this scientific article.

Review Anabolic Running

The short answer is, that the production of lactic acid increases your testosterone levels!

Furthermore, the program is designed in a way to increase Nitric Oxygene, which is a molecule, that is proven to increase your blood flow.

The Science Behind The Program

Just to warn you in advance, it can be a little bit tricky if you haven't learned a lot about sports yet.

Below you will find an explanation of how to increase your testosterone levels by producing lactic acid.

How To Produce Lactic Acid

When running, your body has to supply your muscles with energy for them to work. The energy is being stored as glucose but has to be turned into ATP for your muscles to be accessible.

Humans have 3 different ways to produce ATP; while each way works at different speeds.

When training at high intensities (HIIT Training), the ATP has to be generated at fast speeds, whereas lactic acid is a by-product.

To be honest there is a little bit more to that, so if you're interested in a full explanation you can watch the video right below

About The Author

Joe LoGalbo has been a dedicated runner almost his entire life. During his preparation for marathons, he realized, that his physical appearance has changed. Instead of gaining more muscles he started to gain weight.

He could clearly feel, that his sexual performance has dropped, while he didn't feel too well anymore.

Was all of that effort a waste of time? Especially if you are running for the sake of getting fit you shouldn't be doing endurance cardio.

Results Anabolic Running

During his fitness studies, he figured out that his testosterone levels have been decreasing due to running!

But then he stumbled across this special training method which is scientifically proven to raise your testosterone levels!

Straight away he started to follow the training method & is now about to reveal his secrets!

His progress within just a couple of weeks is impressive!

Does It Keep Its Promises?

I think that was probably enough science for now! The important question is if the program is actually leading to results.

Yes, it does!

When following the workout programs on a consistent basis you will definitely lose weight without losing any of your precious muscle. Especially in combination with just a bit of strength training building muscle is going to be surprisingly easier.

To be honest you shouldn't expect to get bulky arms only from running, but the increased testosterone efficiently supports muscle growth.

After just 1-2 weeks you can definitely feel your testosterone levels going up, which will make you feel more self-confident.

Testosterone is known for increasing your attractivity & sexual performance, which is why I would definitely recommend this book if you struggle with those aspects of life!

Furthermore, I wanted to note that you are not only getting the anabolic running pdf, but there are a bunch of additional bonuses that are going to sky-rocket your physical performance & look!

The only downside I found was, that only by doing the running workouts you should not expect a massive increase in upper body strength & size.

But on the other side, one of the free bonuses provides you with upper body workouts that work really well!

What do you Get?

One of my favorite aspects about anabolic running is, that there are multiple free bonuses, that help you to learn from anabolic running & its training methods.

Firstly you are going to get the pdf with anabolic running workouts & an explanation of the science behind the program. The primary book doesn't only cover running as a method but actually gives you advice on breathing & additional exercises to raise your testosterone levels.

Overall, the knowledge provided just within the primary book is already very helpful even for fitness experts!

But there is far more that you are going to receive besides the primary book:

Anabolic Running Review
  • Bonus 1: Shock And Awe Strength

With this book, you are going to get a full training plan with short 6 minute workouts. In combination with the cardio workouts, it is going to get your upper body more shredded if you follow the program consistently!

bonus one that helps for running aswell
  • Bonus 2: Testosterone Hacker Handbook

In this PDF Joe Logalbo is going to provide you with additional tricks & tips to increase your testosterone. As I pointed out previously testosterone production is vital if you are trying to increase muscle size & sexual performance! Please don't throw away this bonus as the combination of the different workouts & tips is going to benefit you the most!

  • Bonus 3: Indoor Anabolic Running

In case you prefer running indoors over outdoors, this free pdf is going to be one of the best bonuses. What I liked most about it is that it explains to you how to apply the whole concept onto other cardio equipment & even your own room.

Basically this book cuts out all the excuses that you might have, giving you the option to train anywhere!

the solution if you don't wan't to do running inside
  • Bonus 4: 17 Foods to Boost Libidio

Especially with fat loss & gaining muscle it has been proven that nutrition is equally important as the training itself. Don't be the person to work out consistently but then neglecting nutrition.

By adjusting your nutrition & eating more of the foods shown you can certainly increase your results by more than 50%!

Anabolic Running Pricing

Now that we're quite deep in the Anabolic Running Review you can see that you get a lot of applicable knowledge. But how much money would you spend on a program like that?

Personally I have invested hundreds of dollars on personal trainers & fitness products. Also, I do not want to neglect that there are many courses on the market that work!

But Anabolic Runnings price is the next level right now!

You can get the entire program for 15$ at the moment.

To be honest with you, I can't promise that the price is going to stay that low, but hopefully, it will.

Currently On Sale ONLY 15$

PROs & Cons


  • Based On Science
    All the workouts & tips are founded on scientific Research
  • It Works!
    When following the workouts problems YOU WILL SEE results within a couple of days!​​
  • Bonuses
    When followed together the Bonuses will skyrocket your physical & overall appearance
  • Easy To Follow
    All the workouts & tips are easy to understand. You get a lot out of it with comparably little effort
  • Inexpensive
    All together you can get the entire program for only 15$ right now!

  • Made by a health & fitness expert 
    Joe LoGalbo is an expert in its subject which gives the program credit
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
    Even if you dont see any results after 2 months you can still do a refund!

  • Improves Endurance & Muscle Size at the Same time
    With its high efficiency it is going to save up time for extra workouts & rest!


  • You need to train your upper body additionally
    You shouldn't expect a strong upper body if you only do the running!
  • Doesn't Work Well With Women
    The Science behind the program is proven to only work with men

  • Very High Intensity
    If you have problems with your ankle or knee the program might be too tough Consult a doctor if unsure!
  • Not For Weak Hearted Men
    The intensity might be overwhelming if you have problems with your heart​​

Anabolic Running Review - Final Verdict

Overall, the program deserves the attention that it gets! I really liked the way Joe LoGalbo made it very simple yet effective. The program leaves you enough room to do additional workouts on the side.

Even if it is not the right thing for you, a refund is not going to be problematic at all!

So if you are looking for a complete training & nutrition program to increase fitness & your own confidence anabolic running is definitely worth a go!