Custom Keto Diet Review

If you have been seriously considering to go keto, you will likely have an easier job by following a set diet plan.

The Custom Keto Diet plan is one of the most popular and proven ones on the market to get results fast.

In this review, you are going to find out everything you need to know about the Custom Keto Diet & if it is the right choice for you.

What Is A Ketogenic Diet?

Although you are likely to know how a keto diet roughly looks I thought it would make sense to give you a quick scientific explanation, as it is always better to understand why you should follow this type of diet.

As you probably know, the main principle of a keto diet is a shortage in carbs, while increasing your fat intake. This is going to lead your body into a state of ketosis. Usually, your body prefers to turn carbohydrates into glucose, which is why most people aren't in this state of ketosis.

But by taking out carbs out of your nutrition while adding fats you reach this metabolic state.

Benefits Of Keto

  • Ketosis leads to fat loss

Endless studies have shown, that being in this state of ketosis is going to lead to fat loss, which is why the keto diet works so well.

  • Lower Insulin Level

The fact that your insulin levels are going to decrease is likely appealing to people with high blood sugar or even diabetes. Also, lower insulin levels are related to fat loss which is another health benefit of going keto.

  • Mental Performance

As you might have heard omega 6 & 3 are vital for the brain to function well. When going keto, you can be 100% certain that your omega 6 & 3 intake is going to be high enough.

  • Improved Blood Pressure

Are you suffering from high blood pressure? Then you should definitely take going keto into consideration. In some cases it might even stop you from taking pills, that might be harming to you on the long run

These are just some of the advantages of following a Keto diet. In fact, there are more, although I didn't include them all as there was too little scientific research.

But the benefits above have all been researched and are positive aspects that you are going to experience.


After going through this list you might have the impression that either the Keto Diet is the perfect diet. But I sincerely hope that you don't believe that, as no such thing exists & will ever exist.

Just due to the fact that each human has got different genetics & different responses to nutrition, it is impossible to find the perfect way to provide your body with energy.

So let's discuss the downsides & negative aspects that could come with a Keto Diet:

  • Keto Flu

I must be honest with you; this is very likely to happen to you during the first couple of days. When switching from high carb to very low or almost no-carb diet it can be quite challenging for your body to adapt at the start.

Common symptoms of keto flu are:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Headaches
  3. Weakness
  4. Stomach Pain
  5. Sugar Craving

It depends quite a lot on each person, as some people might only go through light symptoms for 1-2 days. While the keto flu can stay for up to 10 days in some cases, making it a challenge to start with.

  • Food Limitations

As with any other diet, you are going to have food limitations. For most people, 50% of their meal consists of carbs, which you will have to quit eating.

At the start, it will take time to get used to stop eating some of your possibly favorite foods. Especially having to stop eating sugar can be tough.

  • Can Go Wrong

One of the biggest downsides is that even with a basic understanding of a low carb high-fat diet there are plenty of things that go wrong.

Even when cutting out carbs there is a lot of room for error if you miss the portion size or simply eat the wrong types of fats.

There are just so many factors to be taken into consideration to be able to receive all the benefits of a keto diet.

You Need A Diet Plan!

Unless you want to deal with a 60% chance of failing you will have to get some sort of diet & meal plan.

As mentioned above there are too many factors that are likely to go wrong without either a nutrition expert constantly around you or a program that has been designed by nutrition experts

What Makes The Custom Keto Diet Stand Out?

Before breaking down the program step by step, you might have been wondering what the Custom Keto Diet is about.

As the name itself says it is an entirely customizable meal plan, which is designed for an 8-week Keto Diet. But if you enjoy being on the diet plan you do have the possibility to stick with it for a longer period of time.

The part I enjoyed the most about the program is that before signing up you will be asked questions about your activity level, your weight loss goals, height & weight & what food preferences you have.

The entire plan you will receive is customized to your information entered, which makes it easier to stick with the program.

 Since you can add your favorite food it is likely to taste good, whereas the calorie consumption is optimized to your needs which increases the chances of losing weight.

One of the handiest features is the grocery list, which literally tells you the exact foods & the amount that you need for each food.

The combination of having detailed instructions on how to make each meal & the shopping list makes it straightforward to create a meal.

Every customized meal that I've tried so far tastes really good, and you have the option to limit yourself to your favorite ingredients.

When purchasing this program you will never have to count calories & macronutrients again. Why?

Because the program is going to count them for you! Simply follow the options that the program provides you and you are going to eat the exact amount of each macronutrient you need.

Furthermore, the meals are customized in a way whereas you will always eat the number of calories that works best for your goals.

Overall, the program makes the Keto diet, as easy as it can get!

But what if you decide mid-way through the program that a Keto Diet is not the right thing for you?

You Get Your Money Back!

Even after finishing the entire 8-week program you still have a couple of days of the 60-day money-back guarantee remaining.

In case you did not get the results expected you will get your money back without any questions asked.

Custom Keto Diet Pricing

How much would you pay for one of the last diet plans that you would ever need?

At a price of 100$, the Custom Keto Diet is definetly worth its price. Although it is definetly not the cheapest keto diet plan that you can get online.

Pros & Cons Custom Keto Diet

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  • It Works!
    Once you make it through the first couple of days, you will experience rapid weight loss
  • Fully Customizable
    The entire meal plan is adjusted to your personal goals & preferences in food
  • Shopping List
    ​The program is going to tell you every week, what you need to buy in order to prepare the meals
  • Tasty Meals
    Once you get used to eating fewer carbs, you will love the meals
  • Easy To Follow & Stick With
    Keto Diets can be challenging, but all the effort put into the program, makes the diet as easy as it can get
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
    ​If the program doesn't get you the results desired you get your money back


  • No Physical Version Available
    You can't get the program as a book.
  • Keto Is Not For Everyone
    Although the Keto diet will lead to weight loss guaranteed, it might be hard to quit carbs for some people. 

Editors Rating - 4.6/5

Besides that you do not get a physical copy of the program, I could hardly find any downsides.

The Custom Keto Diet gets by far the most out of a ketogenic diet that you could get. It simplifies meal decisions and gives you all the tools required to plan your meals.

Since the program has been designed by experts in the fields, is is quite certain that you will get results fast.

So if  you are looking for a legit meal plan, that has the potential to change your body you should give the Custom Keto Diet a go! Don't forget to bring a little bit of dedication!


I just noticed that the Custom Keto Diet Plan is currently on sale!

Get the program for only 37$, instead of 100$ and save 63$!