How To Lose A Pound A Day - Is It Possible?!

There have been quite a lot of articles about losing a whole pound a day. But is such rapid fat loss actually possible?

In this article, you will find out all hacks & tricks to lose weight faster. Remember that having such ambitious goals will end up in frustration if you don't bring enough dedication.

But let's get started with the guide!

Weight Loss Myths

Especially in the mainstream weight loss industry, there have been a couple of "nutrition lies" or rather aspects that have been illustrated the wrong way.

Frequently diets claim to be "the only right way" etc.

  • Low Fat High Carb is the healthiest

You might have heard the statement that you should eat as little fat as possible. One the other hand nutrition blogs & journals claim, that you have to go low carb and high fat.

At that point you can already see the contradiction whereas there are two opposing sites.

In reality both ways are excellent ways to lose weight, while you can also go "medium fat" & "medium carb". Overall, the quality of your macronutrients is the most importan.

  • Salt intake has to be as low as possible

Everybody has heard that a high salt intake causes high blood pressure and strokes. In reality there have been a lot of studies showing that a higher salt intake than recommended doesn't lead to a higher rates in strokes.

Still a very high salt intake is not going to be healthy, although it is worth mentioning that an extremely low salt intake will not help you to lose weight.

  • You have to eat multiple meals a day

One myth, that can be very missleading, is the number of meals that you have to take per day. Often blogs/media recommends you to eat at least 5 meals per day, which is going to "calm" your metabolism.

But in reality even eating once per day can be completely healthy & you won't be hungry all the time once you get used to it.

Think about that fixed meal times such as Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner were invented by humanity later on. In reality eating once, or twice by doing intermittent fasting can reduce your caloric intake without making you more hungry.

Increase Fat Burning Hormones

I'm not going to dive too deep into this topic as it can get very complex & confusing quickly.

But one of the easiest way to increase the number of calories that your body burns is by increasing your Fiber intake.

Why does it work?

Recent studies have shown, that increasing your Fiber intake is going to lead to increased Adiponectin levels, which is an essential fat-burning hormone.

Another way to increase fat burning hormones is by doing exercise 3-4 times per week.

Once again it has been shown that your Adiponectin levels will increase for 24-72 hours just by one workout!

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  • Black Coffe

Another interesting way to increase Adiponectin & decrease in cytokines (cause inflammation), is to drink black coffee on a regular basis.

It is important to not add any sugar or milk in order to stay at the right energy expenditure. But by drinking black coffe you are going to increase the pounds of fat that you could lose.

If you want to know about more methods to lose some extra weight, you should read this article.

A low-calorie diet can be very challenging, whereas these strategies might even allow you to eat a tiny bit more while still losing more pounds a week than without them.

About Macronutrients

With your macronutrients, the most important guideline is to keep having a high enough protein intake. Especially if you want to gain or maintain your muscle mass, eating 1.5g of protein per kg of your own weight is vital.

Despite that, there are different methods regarding carbs & fats. If you want to you can follow a keto diet. Whereas I recommend you to follow a program called "Custom Keto Diet" which I did myself.

Read my review to find out if a Keto diet would make sense for you.

But besides going keto there are more alternative diets leading to rapid weight loss as long as you eat the right amount of calories per day.

Try to split up your macronutrients in a way where you have 30% protein intake, 50% carbs and 20% of fats, as this is a common way to split up your macronutrients for fat loss.

Besides that, it is vital to eat the right types of protein, carbs & fats. Some of the most basic but important guidelines are:

  • No Trans Fats

Trans fats can often be found in fried food, whereas they are a slight modification of usual oil which makes the oil reusable.

Especially larger food companies use that kind of oils as it gives them profit. But the problem is that this type of fat will confuse your cholesterol levels & blood pressure, which is why you have to avoid it!

Avoid processed foods, as they are potentially containing trans fats!

  • Fewer Carbs with a high Glycemic Index

The Glycemic index is a method to measure how fast food is going to be digested & consumed by your body. The scale goes from 1-100 while 100 represents Glucose. Eating foods that give you energy straight away, is going to raise your blood sugar. Unless you are doing physical activity right before eating such foods, your body will store the energy as fat.

Some of the most common foods with a high glycemic index are:

  • Processed Sugars
  • White Bread

Avoid foods with a high glycemic index to burn more fat per day!

  • The Right Type Of Protein

To avoid muscle loss it is important to eat the right type of protein. Protein can be split into 8 essential amino acids, while you need every single one of them.

Animal products always contain all 8 essential sources of protein, while for vegans soy is going to be the best options. Also as a vegetarian/vegan, you can combine different sources to achieve the right mix of amino acids, to maintain your muscle mass.

Also, the digestive speed of protein is vital, as it makes more sense to eat protein that is digested quickly (eg. Whey) right before/after a workout. On the other hand, before going to bed you should rather eat protein that is digested slowly (eg. Casein).

Caloric Deficit

Being in a caloric deficit is by far one of the most important aspects of achieving weight loss.

If you want to lose weight to such an extreme extent you have to cut down your calories by at least 40-50%.

In order to stay focused and on the right track you need to calculate your caloric intake in advance, by using an online calorie calculator.

Furthermore tracking both macronutrients and calories will be essential to avoid overeating. The best app to track your progress that you can get for free is called MyFitnessPal.

Getting into a caloric deficit is going to be easier by using techniques such as intermittent fasting or even one meal per day.

In fact, there are plenty of people who are eating one meal per day, which the human body can easily handle once it has adapted.

But keep in mind, that your body doesn't adapt to such drastic changes within a couple of days. Therefore it might take 2-3 weeks to get used to fasting methods.

Also, I do want to mention that having such a low caloric intake for more than a month is not going to be the healthiest option.

Final Verdict

So unfortunately there is no completely clear answer if it is possible to lose a pound a day. Genetics, metabolism and even willpower are factors that change from person to person.

But if you try hard and follow the tips above, you are going to achieve rapid weight loss, without only losing water. Choose a diet, to follow & track your macro nutrients & caloric intake to make sure you are still on the right track.

What helped me a lot was to follow a set rule of guidlines and an exact nutrition program. One of the best plans you can get if you're interested into more ways to boost your metabolism is called "The Underground Fat Loss Manual". If that sounds interesting to you, I've created a review of the book.

Other than that, stick to your diet & plans, and you are going to achieve your goals eventually! Please don't think that you can't lose weight just because you don't lose several pounds the first days/week.

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