The Underground Fat Loss Manual Review

To be honest, there are a lot of weight loss programs that will leave you without any results, while consuming your money.

Especially "weight loss pills", "secret/ancient spices" and products/diet plans alike are clearly things to avoid.

But the approach that the author Matt Marshall takes it quite controversial towards to other books about losing weight.

The perspective in the book is comparably radical, while there are some particular claims that I want to point out.

Matt Marshall - Author

  • Slow & Steady Fat Loss Is "Bad"
  • The Book Got Banned By Amazon & Other Sites

Sounds interesting for you? To me, it definitely did, which is why I gave it a shot as I didn't bother too much about the low price point of 20$. Although I can't make sure that the price point will stay that low. But in the sections further down there is going to be a section where I update the price on a regular basis.

So let's get straight to the important aspects!

Is The Program Going To Work For You?

Yes! But there are limitations.

Please don't expect that you are going to lose multiple pounds each day! When following the program, you can easily lose 3-4 pounds within a week or two, but the program is going to require effort on your side.

It was good to hear, that the author himself didn't prattle around some secret techniques. Rather you are going to get a detailed nutrition plan, which gives you exact rules on when what & how much you should eat.

Furthermore, there are quite a lot of additional tricks & tips that will burn your fat more quickly. Some of the aspects in the book can be quite hardcore, although you will make fast progress even if you don't chew nicotine gum.

99% of the tips are backed up by scientific research which is a big plus from my perspective. One thing to keep in mind prior to buying is that the fat loss program contains quite a bit of swearing & colloquial language.

In case you don't wanna be extremely harsh on yourself, there is the option to have cheat meals that are going to make the program more easy to follow.

In conclusion, the program will work for most people, but you need to have some dedication to follow the program as much as possible.

If you commit & actually follow the program you will see your body fat percentages drop within weeks. More importantly, the effect is not short-term but rather continues for months, which perfect if you actually want to stay in shape!

Other Aspects

  • Eating Carbs can increase your metabolism

Another aspect of the book is, that eating carbs don't have to be bad necessarily. But it rather depends on the type of carbs that you eat.

On the other hand, when leaving out carbohydrates your metabolism is being slowed down, which is why you should eat some carbs.

In the book, there is a section about what carbs to mainly eat, while the emphasis is being put on Red Licorice.

  • 44 Hour Jump Start to loose additional weight

Matt Marshall claims, that it is possible to lose up to 8.8 pounds in those first 44 hours. But after reading the book I am quite certain that even with very unique genetics it is nearly impossible to lose that much weight in a short time!

  • Natural Method for Boosting Your Growth Hormones by 512%

This method is based on scientific evidence and it makes 100% sense once you went through the book. But remember that a 512 % increase in growth hormones doesn't necessarily mean that your muscles grow 5x bigger than usual. Still, you can use this method successfully to your advantage to be the one that gains muscle the quickest!

  • Using Aspirin/Nicotine Gum/Alcohol for weight loss

I don't really feel the need to commenting on this section. As an athlete, I wouldn't want to do any of these strategies although it is very interesting to read & understand the way it works.

There are quite a few more aspects in the book that are going to help you with weight loss and an increase in body weight. With the book, roughly 50% of the methods are very realistic and applicable, while others can easily be a bit too much. Still, the book offered me an option to be able to drink occasionally without worrying about getting fat!

It clearly is different from what you would usually get but that is why I prefer the book over many others, as it gives you a little bit of room for "cheating" without spending days afterward to recover from one mistake.

What If The Program Doesn't Work?

You have exactly two months to decide if the program was the right choice for you or not. There is a 60-day money-back guarantee, which works without any questions asked. On the page, they have a short FAQ which explains more about the money-back guarantee.

What Exactly Do You Get?

There are two versions of the book whereas one is for women while the other is for men.

Despite the manual itself there are a lot of free bonuses, that you are going to receive when purchasing the book.

  • The Underground Fat Loss Manual
  • The 10-3-X Workout Program

This book is a training program for your entire body, that you can do almost anywhere. The structure of the program is easy to understand & use it while doing your diet is going to help you to lose more weight while bulking.

  • The 60 Second Hormone Fix

Here you are going to get a 60-second habit, that is going to correct your leptin levels.

Leptin is responsible for your metabolism and controls your fat-loss. So by applying the knowledge of the book you are going to have an easier time if you belong to the group of people with a slow metabolism. It is important to note, that this book is mainly made for people with a slow metabolism (Leptin dysbalance). If you already have a quick metabolism you are not going to lose weight quicker with this 60-second habit.

  • Ageless Abs

Last but not least you are going to get an ab training program for free. The exercise being shown is comparably easy on your body and therefore works with pretty much any age group.

It is important to do the exercise, as losing weight alone is not going to give you the muscles that you need for a 6-pack. So unless you are already a muscular person I recommend you to try this exercise as it is surprisingly efficient.

  • The Authors Personal E-Mail Adress

Another cool bonus is, that you get the e-mail address of Matt Marshall, which you can use at any time if you have any concerns regarding your weight loss process. It is quite helpful as he actually replies in less than 24 hours in 90% of the cases. Most times you are not going to need the number, but it can be really helpful when in doubt.

Enter your text here...

  • 250$ if you win a "before & after" contest

Probably my favorite aspect of the book is that there is the option to win a lot of money if you make the most progress within a two month period.

It is quite a good motivational factor, as it motivates you to take a before and after picture. Basically you are going to take one image of yourself right before you start the challenge and another one after two months.

Then you can send it as an E-mail to Matt and he is going to give the person that lost the most weight 250$. To be honest it is not extremely likely that you are going to win the contest as the program is quite popular. But it's an awesome opportunity to stay more focused!


So how much does everything together cost?

As mentioned right in the start you are going to get everything together for just below 20$!

The entire program is currently available for 19.95$, but I can't promise that the book will be available for that price tag for a long time.

Honestly, it might even be possible, that the book disappears once again, but I'm confident that it won't within the next couple of days!


Get the book before it get's banned again!


Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis sed nostrud exercitation laboris.


  • It Works!
    If you put in the time & effort you are going to loose weight quicker than with an average diet!
  • Inexpensive
    At its low cost, you get a lot of information, knowledge & nutrition plans
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
    In case it is not the right choice for you, it is possible to get a refund after 2 months
  • Science Based
    90% of the techniques being used are backed up by scientific research and experiments
  • You Get The Authors Personal E-mail
    ​​When getting lost in the process you can ask Matt Marshall to answer any questions & get a reply in 24hrs.
  • "Before & After Contest" -250$ price
    The contest makes it easier to stay motivated when facing harsh times
  • Free Workout Program
    ​Since you get an additional workout plan, you can focus on gaining muscle while losing fat!
  • Increases Growth Hormones
    Besides loosing fat, the program helped me a lot to gain additional muscle!
  • Men & Women Edition
    Since there are obvious genetic differences between the two genders it is good to be able to choose!


  • Strong Language
    You will have to read paragraphs with very strong language, although it might be funny (personal opinion)
  • Partly Crazy Methods
    Every now & then there are some methods that can be hardcore. (Chewing Nicotine Gum) Although it is emphasized that you don't have to follow those methods to get results!
  • Minor Contradiction
    On the one hand there is the claim that weight loss is easy, while on the other hand it is being said it can be tough to follow the program
  • Only Available As A E-Book/PDF
    You have to read the book at your PC/Smartphone/Tablet

My Rating - 4.5/5

Even though there are a lot of controversial and slightly exaggerated examples, the book deserves the attention that it gets!

The before & after challenge with a price & a lot of the scientific methods shown make weight loss a lot easier as it would be without this manual.

Also, there are individual nutrition plans, that make it straightforward to plan your diet! If you take the strong language with humor (or ignore it), you will also have a good time reading the book!

Also, the additional bonuses enable you to gain muscle while losing weight at the same time, which eventually makes you spend fewer hours working on your physique.